Search Engine Optimization.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is how we let Google know what you are all about. It’s the art and science of making sure you are ranking high for the keywords that bring you business. And it is much more than just filling your website with keywords and hoping Google notices. Sure, content matters but your website’s speed, customer reviews, and accessibility are also factors in your search engine rankings (also known as SERPs).


Google wants to present search options that will solve the user’s problem as well as give them a great website experience. That’s why they are the #1 search engine. Users trust that they are not going to send them to a site that’s difficult to use and unrelated to their search. The best SEO strategy combines keyword-focused content with great site architecture that emphasizes informative metadata and markup. This combination gives your target audience the easy website experience they are looking for with the information Google needs to rank your website highly.


So why is SEO so important? 97% of people learn more about local companies online than anywhere else. This makes it essential that your customers are able to easily find you when they’re looking for your services online. A strong SEO strategy means that your customers will be able to find you at the moment they need you most.


Our holistic approach to SEO means improved rankings for you and a great experience for your customers. What does that mean for you?

●      Content creation: We help you create keyword-rich content that will help your site show up for the keyword searches your audience is searching for. A regular stream of content than sporadic content or, worst of all, no content at all. We’ll help you create a calendar of topics that ensure that you are posting content relevant, useful, and optimized on a regular schedule.

●      Link building: Another important factor in your SEO ranking is how many websites link back to you. We can help you build off-site links through continuous link-building campaigns that work to steadily build your online credibility.

●      On-site optimization: There are lots of opportunities for optimizing your site in ways that your website visitors will never see. Through the use of keyword tags, metadata descriptions, and more, we can ensure that your site communicates seamlessly with search engines so that you are ranking for the terms you want to be ranking for.

●      Local search: Not only will we build a general SEO campaign for your website, but we will also focus on making sure you are fully optimized for local search. We can help you target your specific geographic area so that your neighbors looking to support local businesses are able to easily find you.


SEO is a must-have for any digital marketing initiative. Study after study shows that users rarely, if ever, go beyond the first page of search results. Often, they don’t look past the top three. Our SEO services are designed to get you seen when and where it matters.